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In the memory of Gülbahar Hatun, mother of Sultan Selim
the Grim, it was constructed within a külliye near the Zagnos Bridge on the west
of Orta Hisar. Only a mosque and a tomb survived to the present, all other structures
within the complex such as soup kitchen, medrese, public bath and school were all
mined. On the site of the former school, today's Gülbahar Hatun Primary School was
constructed in 1899. Historic records reveal that the complex was put up in 1514 after the death of Gülbahar Hatun. The mosque has no construction inscription and
falls into the category of the Zaviyeli Mosques (built with a T shaped plan) of
the early Ottoman Period. Its walls are of high quality workmanship. Windows, last
public hall, arches and the minaret of the mosque were tiled with dark greyand yellowish
white bricks. It is covered with a lead roof. Prayer niche is built of marble. Its
borders are simple whereas the top is decorated with plant motifs. The pentagonal
niche ends with a vault designed in stalactite work. On each corner are two rosette
motifs. Pulpit of the mosque is also simple which is built of marble. Classical
Period ornamentations of the mosque were mined in time, and the mosque was restored
to its present appearance. Fountain in the courtyard was formerly topped with a
dome which was replaced by a conical spire in recent repairs.